
extra padding in the wallet or straight to the piggy?

Have you gotten your stimulus check yet? I haven't and I only know a couple of people who have. My inside connection on the Hill says that there was a glitch in the system, so anyone who filed their taxes online and had direct deposit for their returns are the last on the list and will be getting their checks by mail.

So if you have gotten it, what have you done with it? Are you actually boosting the economy? Have you even thought about what you would do with it? Suze Orman would probably tell you to save it, but isn't it kind of like a gift card for spending? Hopefully it will achieve what politicians are hoping for-- stimulating the economy (times are looking dim, even in sunny, rich California). I'd agree with Krugman though who says it's bad economic policy, but the best democrats could do. I guess we'll see what happens. . .


b said...

I was just thinking about this! I've been wondering where mine is; I thought it was supposed to be mailed over two weeks ago...
I'm definitely saving mine, but will spend it in Cali very, very soon!!

ap said...

bitch please, cali?!?! you best learn how to say it right before you get here.

b said...


Unknown said...


this has a link to the payment schedule. my scheduled payment time has passed, but I called the hotline which claims that most direct deposit checks will be sent in the next two weeks and most paper checks by mid-July.

Anonymous said...

I recieved my mullah about three weeks ago. Here's the weird thing though: according to the SS# distribution table the IRS used to time the payments, I wasn't supposed to get mine until September. My father called one evening needing money, the next day I checked my bank account, boom! $600! Weird huh?

Kate Mooney said...

i think you're really smart