
Overheard in the Mission

Girl to her friend: You know how on Jersey Shore they talk about how in groups of hot girls there's always one girl who's kind of gross and not hot at all? They call her the grenade. I'm really afraid that I'm the grenade.

Her friend: No, like I think that poncho just isn't very form fitting so you can't really see that you're hot.


M.J. at Summer Jam, Obama on the text

For those of you who may not have quite the love affair I have with hip-hop, the title of this post is a line in Jay-Z's song, "On To The Next One" on his newest album, The Blueprint 3.

As I was walking around in D.C. last weekend with my dear friend Scott, I asked him if he thought President Obama and Jay-Z really exchange text messages. After all, Scott did work for the Obama campaign. From there, we opined on possible texts between the two. This begins a (hopefully) weekly post on President Obama's text messages to Jay-Z.

  • "Man Jay, Scott Brown sure is giving Kanye a run for his money when it comes to putting foot in mouth."
  • "I know everyone thinks I'm being a wimp lately. People need to realize that I'm not a countryman, I'm the country, man." (courtesy of AP)
  • "Hey, is Beyonce available this weekend? I'd love it if she could teach Michelle some of her dance moves."