The Positronic Man was one of my favorite books as a child. I absolutely loved the idea of having a robot that learned to feel and be friends with. I would highly recommend reading it. Now it's kind of like our Governator is like that robot/man.
Giant Robot is a store near where we live in SF. I've actually never been there, but have seen some pretty unique knick knacks people have picked up there.
Welcome to the long run, a space to discuss the events currently affecting us and our community. We refer to this space as our long run because on the Oberlin College Track and Field team (where we met), the Sunday long run was our method of catching up on the week's happenings, discussing current events, and laughing at really ridiculous things no one else found funny. We hope you enjoy what we find interesting, are moved to post comments on what you also find interesting, and if offended, may it only be slightly.
I drove by there the other night! Luckily it had not been vandalized and I was able to see Goliath in his entirety.
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